Loss Runs, Reimagined!
The innovation you need to efficiently manage loss runs for your Community Associations
Loss Runs, Reimagined!
The innovation you need to efficiently manage loss runs for your Community Associations
The innovation you need to efficiently manage loss runs for your Community Associations
The innovation you need to efficiently manage loss runs for your Community Associations
Many people continuously settle for inconveniences because that’s just the way things have always been. Not us! We are a team of like-minded individuals who take an active approach of viewing inconveniences from different angles, in order to identify opportunities for simplification and improvement.
We have a passion for developing innovative solutions to improve efficiency and ease unnecessary burdens. Being that the insurance industry is full of inefficiency and difficulties, we have found our mission. Develop and implement modernization to an archaic industry.
Every Commercial Insurance inefficiency is multiplied for every Community Association a property manager handles, so in turn, for every solution we can develop, the benefits are multiplied as well. This has led us to become committed champions for our favorite unsung heroes: Community Property Managers.
Once you ask your insurance agent for loss runs, they know you are looking for quotes, so the resistance starts. Whether it is dragging their feet or hitting you with over the top sales tactics and guilt trips, this is a grueling process.
If the Association switched insurance programs at some point in the past five years, this process becomes even more difficult. You have to dig through your records to find the previous companies and policy numbers, then continue the scavenger hunt to figure out who to contact and hope they are willing to help someone who already left them.
You certainly have the option of going directly to the insurance carrier to avoid the agent, but where do you even begin? There is no telling how much time you are going to spend being transferred around in hopes that you find someone that will actually help you.
Walk through our streamlined on-boarding process to make a profile for each Community Association you manage, which will obtain and track the insurance details for each association.
As the Association's renewal approaches, our system will prompt you (or another authorized signer if designated) to sign and send a prefilled request for the loss runs directly to the Association's insurance carrier.
Our proprietary system automatically receives, organizes, and notifies you once the insurance carrier complies with your signed authorization and provides your Association's loss runs. Your complete document history is available to you at anytime and can be downloaded and forwarded as needed.
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